Xavier Rubio Jansana

Xavier Rubio Jansana

Mobile engineer.
Android and iOS.
Scuba diver.

© 2025

Switching to Firefox again

The other day I stumbled upon the article Windows Timer Resolution: Megawatts Wasted and to make long story short, I ran:

powercfg -energy duration 5

on my system and found that Chrome, Spotify and Naver’s Line client for Windows were making my system to increase timer resolution to 1 ms, wasting energy and making my laptop run warmer than expected.

So I’ll be switching back to Firefox after quite a while using Chrome as my main browser, at least for regular browsing. Let’s hope Google fixes this soon.

Also, I’ve switched to Windows Store App version of Line client (my system runs Windows 8.1), and I’m considering what to do with Spotify.

UPDATE: maybe I’ve switched browsers too fast: now I’m seeing Firefox also increasing timer resolution to 1 ms! Possible causes:

  • Plugins (Flash, maybe?)
  • Google Mail
  • donno…

I’ll keep you posted.