Xavier Rubio Jansana

Xavier Rubio Jansana

Mobile engineer.
Android and iOS.
Scuba diver.

© 2025

Re-enabling Xcode plugins

Update Xcode 8 no longer supports plugins. See Alcatraz GitHub repo.

After updating my Xcode, I noticed that plugins got disabled. To reenable them, the easiest way is just “touching” all the plugin directories:

$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins
$ touch *

After that, restart Xcode and you will get a dialog asking if plugins should be loaded.

An alternate take on this is can be found here: Re-enable Alcatraz on Xcode 6.3.2 or Newer.

Additional tip: if the update was the OS, maybe this StackOverflow answer can be also useful: CocoaPods doesn’t work after upgrading Mac OS X EI Capitain.

UPDATE: I’ve updated to Xcode 7.2 today, and suddenly all the plugins stopped to work. There is an update for Alcatraz. See also this tweet.

UPDATE2: There is a new upgrade for Alcatraz for Xcode 7.3. See this tweet. You need to first update it, then “touch” the plugins (see above), execute:

$ defaults delete com.apple.dt.xcodebuild DVTPlugInManagerNonApplePlugIns-xcodebuild-7.3
$ defaults delete com.apple.dt.Xcode DVTPlugInManagerNonApplePlugIns-Xcode-7.3

Additionally, I guess that some plugins need an update, because they are not working (for example CocoaPods).